Nandita Shankardass is a performing artist, choreographer, interdisciplinary facilitator, educator and speaker. She is the founder of Welcome Movement®, created to generate wellbeing, stimulate creativity and empower freedom of expression through movement and dance. 

Nandita is a Clore emerging leader, an artist in residence with Rambert Dance and a Ballet Futures facilitator with English National Ballet. 

She is a 2024 Seedbed Artist with 101 Outdoor Arts.

Nandita trained at The Royal Ballet School where she was awarded The Dame Ninette De Valois Award and James Monahan Award for her choreographic work. She has performed with Zürcher Ballet, Victor Ullate Ballet, Ballet Black, Scottish Ballet and Compañia Nacional de Danza. Nandita has choreographed for Zürcher Junior Ballet, Ballet Black, Compañia Nacional de Danza, tve Global Sustainability Film Awards and the CAT programme at The Place.

She has performed with Sujata Banerjee Dance Company, Vidya Patel, Orchestra Qawwali Project, Joseph Toonga, Joss Arnott Dance, Adrian Look Tanztheater, Beeja Dance and Hubert Essakow. Nandita collaborated with Sadlers Wells to create online Taster Dance workshops and with Fabula Collective as an artist/choreographer and creative consultant. She has created workshops and performances for Summer on the Square at the National Gallery and William Morris Gallery.